Fair Credit Reporting Rights and Other Concerns for Identity Theft Victims (6-20-24)

This training will cover all the steps of how to preserve a clients' consumer rights, especially under the Fair Credit Reporting Act, from the initial intake meeting to identifying when a lawsuit can or should be filed. While how identity theft is committed is always evolving, this training will show you how to take steps to mitigate the harms to your clients and how to preserve their rights to take legal action if necessary to undo the harms they have suffered.

  • CLE Credits
    Areas of Professional Practice: 1.00
  • Format
    On-Demand/Recorded - Audio/Video File
  • Practice Area(s)
    Consumer/Bankruptcy Law
  • Price: $0
  • Materials
    Contains 4 training item(s)

About the Faculty

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    Ahmad (he, him) established his law firm, The Law Office of Ahmad Keshavarz in 2000. His practice is devoted entirely to consumer protection. The large majority of his practice is devoted filing FDCPA lawsuits holding debt collectors accountable for executing on vacated or sewer service judgments; seizing exempt social security or unemployment benefits; suing tenants for rent not owed; or suing family members of nursing home residents for nursing home debt they do not owe. Along with legal services co-counsel, Ahmad obtained the historic decision by the Second Circuit Court of Appeals in Arias v. Gutman, Mintz, Baker & Sonnenfeldt LLP et al., 875 F.3d 128 (2017) which held that debt collectors unduly prolonging debt collection legal proceedings violated the FDCPA. Ahmad and his law partner Emma Caterine also bring suit for violations of the Fair Credit Reporting Act and the Electronic Fund Transfer Act. Ahmad Keshavarz has a B.A. with Honors from the University of Wisconsin at Madison, a J.D. from the University of Texas School of Law, and a Masters in Public Policy from the L.B.J. School of Public Affairs.